YMS School Bus Rules

As we embark on a new school year filled with excitement and learning, we would like to take a moment to emphasize the importance of ensuring a safe and respectful environment on our school buses. Our students' safety and well-being are our top priorities, and in order to maintain a positive bus experience for all, we kindly request your cooperation in reviewing the bus rules and expectations with your child.

  1. Board the Bus When an Adult is Present: Students should wait for an adult to signal before boarding the bus. Safety is paramount, and this practice helps prevent accidents and ensures an orderly boarding process.

  2. Load and Unload in Designated Bus Areas: Students must embark and disembark the bus only in the specified areas. This practice minimizes congestion and maximizes safety during pick-up and drop-off times.

  3. Cooperate and Follow All Rules: Students are expected to follow both school and transportation company rules. This includes showing respect to the bus driver and fellow passengers, refraining from any disruptive behavior, and adhering to any instructions given.

  4. No Eating or Drinking on the Bus: To keep the bus clean and prevent potential allergies or messes, students should refrain from consuming food or beverages during the bus ride.

  5. Maintain a Clean Area: Each student is responsible for keeping their seating area tidy and disposing of any trash properly. A clean environment contributes to a pleasant journey for everyone.

  6. Keep Noise at an Acceptable Level: Excessive noise can be distracting to the bus driver and disrupt the overall environment. Encourage your child to keep their voices at a reasonable level so that the driver can focus on the road.

  7. No Seat Switching or Standing While Bus is in Motion: For safety reasons, students are not permitted to switch seats or stand while the bus is in motion.

  8. Be Punctual: Being on time to the bus stop is crucial to maintaining the bus schedule and ensuring a smooth ride for everyone.

  9. No Throwing Objects out the Window: Throwing objects out of the bus window is dangerous and can cause harm. Students should refrain from this behavior. 

It's essential that these rules are understood and adhered to by all students. To reinforce the importance of compliance, we have implemented a progressive disciplinary system for rule violations:

  • 1st Offense: Administrator conference with the student, and notification of parent/guardian.

  • 2nd Offense: Up to five-day suspension of bus riding privileges.

  • 3rd Offense: Up to 20-day suspension of bus riding privileges.

We sincerely appreciate your cooperation in this matter. By reviewing these rules with your child, you are helping us create a safe and comfortable environment on our school buses. Let's work together to ensure a positive transportation experience for all students.