It is that time again for our 15 th Annual Dig Pink Event to be held on October 3, 2024, at Orestimba High School. With your support, our district has donated over $120,000 to ...
Join us on Tuesday, August 27 from 6:00-7:30pm for Back to School Night. You will have the opportunity to listen to each of your student's teachers. Please follow your student's...
Physicals and Tryout Permission Slips are required to participate in tryouts. All tryouts are mandatory. Please contact Joaquin Marroquin if you have any questions: Jmarroquin@ncl...
Breakfast starts at 7:15, and our main gate for all other students opens at 7:40. First bell rings at 8:05 and Tardy Bell rings at 8:10 a.m. MONDAY IS AN EARLY RELEASE ...
Below are the current bus routes for 2024-25. Please remember that all students will need to turn in a bus registration form the first week of school. You can download the regis...
Students will be able to pick up their class schedule, pay for Chromebook insurance, and pay for PE clothes and lock. Please arrive at your schedule time determined by your last n...
We would like to thank everyone for their support of our recent event. Thanks to your support and that of our community, we have raised $19,703.80 for the Side-Out Foundation. ...